Installing an air conditioner requires precision and expertise. Our team ensures that your AC units are installed correctly for optimal performance and longevity. Whether it’s a window AC or a centralized system, we’ve got you covered.
Typically, a few hours to a day, depending on the type and complexity of the installation.
Yes, we offer a 10-year guarantee on any new AC installation, ensuring you peace of mind with your investment.
We work with a wide range of brands. Please reach out to our team to discuss specific brand installations.
Our 10-year guarantee specifically covers all major AC equipment installed by us. For a comprehensive list of covered equipment, please contact us via e-mail.
Driven by dedication and a commitment to excellence, NAM Professional has been setting the gold standard in HVAC services for over two decades. Our expertise is matched only by our passion for delivering impeccable work and building lasting relationships within the community. Trust in NAM Professional - where quality meets reliability.
Proudly based in Miami, Florida.